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Nue Image Beauty Shop is an equal opportunity employer. It is the company’s policy to grant equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons without regard to race, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions), religion, color, age, national origin, disability, citizenship status, sexual orientation, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by law. Nue Image Beauty Shop is committed to equal employment opportunity. If you are a person with a disability, as that term is defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other law, and you require an accommodation in order to provide your applicant information through this website, please contact us at 1-000-000-0000.
Nue Image Beauty Shop strives to maintain a safe and drug free environment by conducting background checks. As a part of the hiring process, applicants who receive and accept a conditional offer of employment will be asked to authorize Nue Image Beauty Shop to obtain a consumer report (i.e. criminal background check) . Applicants who do not meet hiring criteria as a result of the consumer report (i.e. criminal background check )will have their conditional offer of employment revoked. Applicants with criminal histories should not be discouraged from applying for employment with Nue Image Beauty Shop, and a criminal history does not necessarily exclude you from employment. Nue Image Beauty Shop has in place a process in which persons who do not satisfy the hiring criteria as a result of the criminal background check may seek reconsideration. The Maine Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy is located at
During the application process, you will be requested to furnish your social security number. Your social security number is strictly utilized for administrative purposes related to application and/or employment processing. Additionally, it will be loaded into Nue Image Beauty Shop's hiring system should an offer of employment be extended and accepted. Therefore, it is critical that you provide us with your correct social security number. Your data is being transmitted in an encrypted and secure manner. You are asked to provide data which will be used strictly for administrative purposes related to, but not limited to, WOTC, employment assessments, and criminal background check. (A criminal background check would only be conducted should a conditional offer of employment be extended and accepted.) Providing an inaccurate social security number can affect our Payroll system should you join Nue Image Beauty Shop as the data you provide will be transferred to Nue Image Beauty Shop's hiring system. Please double check your entry. Your information is being transmitted in an encrypted and secure manner.
Certification Statement
I certify that all information provided by me is true, accurate and complete. I understand that falsification, misrepresentation or omission of fact on this application or any other accompanying or required documents will be cause for denial of employment or immediate termination of employment, regardless of how or when it is discovered. I authorize the investigation of all statements and information contained in this application. I understand that this application will remain active for a 90 day period. After that time, if I desire further consideration, I will complete a new application. Hiring is conditional upon, among other things, a candidate and/or employee submitting proof of identity and work eligibility in accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act, completing and obtaining successful results on a drug screen (if applicable) and criminal background check. You must be at least 18 years old to work for Nue Image Beauty Shop, unless otherwise authorized by Human Resources or required by law. Close relatives may not work in the same store or department unless otherwise required by law. No employee may work under the immediate supervision of a close relative. If you have questions regarding what constitutes a "close relative", please contact a manager. UNDER MARYLAND LAW, AN EMPLOYER MAY NOT REQUIRE OR DEMAND, AS A CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT, PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYMENT, OR CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT, THAT AN INDIVIDUAL SUBMIT TO OR TAKE A LIE DETECTOR OR SIMILAR TEST. AN EMPLOYER WHO VIOLATES THIS PROVISION IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR AND SUBJECT TO A FINE NOT EXCEEDING $100. I understand that this application is not a contract, offer, or promise of employment. I understand that unless otherwise agreed in writing and signed by an officer of the Company, Nue Image Beauty Shop employees are not hired for a specific term. Subject to applicable law, Nue Image Beauty Shop or I may terminate my employment at any time with or without cause. No oral representations made by a Nue Image Beauty Shop employee with respect to continued employment can alter this relationship. *By selecting "I Certify that the information is correct" in the Certification section below, I am indicating my understanding of the above notification and agreement.
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Applying for : Licensed Barber FT/PT
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